Tuesday 20 December 2016

Ribbon Hair Ties are the Latest Fashion Accessory For Your Hair

Ribbon Hair Ties are getting a big fan following these days all over Australia, much bigger than the regular elastics for more reasons than one. Let’s see why these hair ties are something special.

Ribbon hair ties are in!

Are you with me on this? They are all that I need to wear at this moment—and I used to be obsessed with the clear kind. I think it began a year ago, when I decided they looked cooler, particularly with light hair, than the plain dark ones I'd been wearing in the past. Despite the fact that the rubber snags significantly more. But, at the moment I've taken a cue from celebrities like Hilary Duff and have changed my fondness to the ribbon ties... which aren't precisely ribbons but wide, flat, stretchy elastics tied in a tangle.

The ribbon hair ties Australia transform what might appear to be a boring ponytail into something much more graceful. I have a couple of them in various colors and patterns and I generally get compliments when I put on one.
hair ties Australia

Ribbon Hair Add to the Comfort Level
I furthermore find ribbon ties the gentlest on my hair. They never pull, tear and also never crease your hair when you take them out. Regarding the number of times they wrap around, I do 3—and I have fine hair however a great deal of it. I feel three is right to secure the tie without making it uncomfortably tight. In case you want, you can just wear a regular clear elastic underneath and put the tie on top, like Hilary Duff.

The ribbon hair ties Australia also come in headband and ponytail form. You can likewise utilize them to loop your hair into an easy bun or side bun.

The Bottom Line

These hair ties are worth it! The no breakage ribbon ties are perfect for your hair since they leave no creases even after a workout and a night of sleep. Besides, you can use them to create a wide range of beautiful hairstyles including braids, buns, half-down, and many more.